Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Backround Information

This post has all the information that may be helpful to know about how the car works!
All information was taken from our textbook or Ms. Orzech's PowerPoints.

Newton's 1st Law (Inertia):
An object at rest will stay at rest, an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.

Newton's 2nd Law:
Net Force equals mass times acceleration. (N=ma)

Newton's Third Law:
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

The rate at which velocity changes
force / mass = acceleration

The amount of matter in an object
force / acceleration = mass

When two surfaces rub together
Acts in a direction opposite to the object's direction of motion
Strength of friction depends on two factors: 1) Type of surface 2) How hard the surfaces push together

Rolling Friction:
This is the friction our car has with the floor! It is due to... you guessed it! When an object rolls over a surface

Momentum is the quantity of motion
Momentum= mass x velocity (P = ma)
Unit= kilogram-meters per second (kg x m per s) in a direction
The smaller the mass, the smaller the momentum, so our car with has to be a decent size.

Law of Conservation of Momentum:
The total momentum of the objects that interact does not change

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